Dr Oro Ufuo Oro
I have BSc (Econs) and MBA (marketing) of the University of Calabar (UNICAL) Nigeria. I also have Masters and PhD in Accounting and Finance of the Witwatersrand University (Wits), South Africa. I am a Chartered Accountant (ICAN), information system auditor (CISA) and registered Educator. I have experience in commercial banking, capital market regulation, lecturing and research. I have won and completed a two-year Post-Doctoral Fellowship of the Witwatersrand University, Johannesburg, South Africa.
My research interests include Market-driven Economic Growth and Development; Capital market development especially in oil producing countries; Trade-driven economic growth; Higher education and employability; Organization design, Internal Controls and Auditing. Some of my works are published in the mainstream international journals including Economic Analysis and Policy (Elsevier), Resources Policy (Elsevier), Economic Research South Africa (ERSA), OPEC Energy Review (Wiley), African Review of Economics and Finance (AREF), Ghanaian Journal of Economics. I am currently working on two papers: Graduate employability in Nigeria and Organizational Design Philosophy, Internal Control and State Capture.