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University Details

Bro. Emma Okorie is the VC of Rhema University, Obeama-Asa

Rhema University, Obeama-Asa founded in 2009

The history of the RHEMA UNIVERSITY can be traced back to 1987 when the President of the Living Word Ministries concerned by the falling standard of education in terms of academic content and Christian values decided to address these problems with the setting up of nursery, primary and secondary schools. This was part of the evangelistic outreach of the ministry. This led to the establishment of nursery , primary school and threee Secondary schools in some states of Nigeria and Lome, Togo. All these schools built and run along the Christian principles have produced students who have excelled academically and in moral values. Given the outstanding performance of the product from the Living Word Primary and Secondary Schools, the great demand for admission into the schools by parents, it became clear that Living Word Ministries would provide much service to the nation by venturing into the area of tertiary education. This was seen as a way of producing God-fearing leaders and also providing access to University education in Nigeria. Given the statistics which show that the few places available for University admission are greatly oversubscribed in Nigeria, our successes in both the primary and secondary schools and the performances of our products, Living Word Ministries shared the vision of its President and decided to start a university – Rhema University.

Apart from the acquisition of over 100 hectares of land for the university, the Living Word Ministries in preparation for the eventual setting up of the university set up a Hospital complex which is well equipped and which is also one of the very few hospitals in the Eastern states of Nigeria with a functional dialysis unit.

In 2004 the Living Word Ministries constituted a planning and Implementation Committee towards the realization of the project.

Vision of the University
The vision of the proposed Rhema University is to operate a university of excellence where the theory in class and textbooks will be complemented with practical skills through entrepreneurship studies, respect for human dignity will be vigorously pursued and where probity in character will be the hallmark.

Mission of the University
The mission of Rhema University is to produce for Nigerian leaders to help meet the challenges of development in this age of globalization and to cultivate in the students profound professional expertise and high moral character.

Philosophy of the University
The philosophy of the university is hinged on a philosophical dictum that "Knowledge is Power" and that giving man knowledge through education, he can thrive and prosper in a globalising world. With this philosophy, the university will strive to make the students first and foremost thinkers, people with broad horizons and enriched knowledge of discipline area.
To achieve the above philosophy, the university will pursue the highest standards of teaching, research and community service while at the same time provide a balanced education for the acquisition of knowledge, entrepreneurial skills and moral principles. In other words, the Rhema University will help its students become thinkers and doers; people who are more interested in solving problems than idling away; and people willing to take a risk to make a difference. Put another way, Rhema University will give its students what is known as liberal education.

To produce graduates who are well trained intellectually, highly skilled and of high moral values to provide leadership in the country.
To advance higher learning through its thrust of intellectual, moral and cultural excellence, animated by the virtue of diligence, love and service;
To develop academic partnership and collaboration in
teaching and research with universities worldwide so that the products of the university will be relevant in a globalised world;
To encourage the advancement of all branches of learning
and to hold out to all persons without distinction of race, creed, sex or political conviction, an opportunity of acquiring higher education;
To develop a top quality core faculty (academic staff) that is committed to true scholarship and is of world standard;
To attract and retain well-qualified undergraduate and graduate students and prepare them for successful living and career in programmes· of distinction that combine academic excellence with Christian values and spiritual ethos;
To undertake any other activities appropriate for a university of the highest standard.
As the motto of the University is “Equipping Humanity for Excellence”, Rhema University will be known for Excellence in educational and moral training of its students just as has been demonstrated in our various primary and secondary schools.

For more detail visit Rhema University, Obeama-Asa