Certificate in Responsible Leadership Principles and Practices
Cost: Free to participate
Who to attend: Anyone from Junior, Middle and Senior Academics & Professionals (Nigerian Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of Education, NGOs and education agencies).
Project: Women Underrepresentation in Nigerian Higher Education Leadership: A partnership between University of Lincoln, UK; African Development Institute of Research Methodology (ADIRM), Nigeria; and Office of Committee of Vice Chancellors of Nigerian Universities. The project is funded by British Council – Gender Equality Partnership programme.
Facilitators: UK and Nigerian Consultants/Trainers
Link to Register to Join the programme:
For further Inquiries, please, Email: ulnutp@cvcnigeria.org
Or contact the Project Coordinators:
Dr Paul Agu Igwe or Dr Hilary Duckett
Lincoln International Business School, University of Lincoln, UK
Leadership Programme Activities
Date | Context | Learning Outcomes | Staffing | |
Responsible Leadership Principles & Practices | ||||
Thurs 04 May 2023
3-5.00pm |
Responsible Leadership Practices and SDG5 Gender Equality
Aim: Explore principles and processes of Responsible Leadership.
Objectives: To understand the World Economic Forum 5 Pillars of Responsible Leadership; identify best practices through case study analysis; examine the nexus between SDG5 (Gender Equity) and Responsible Leadership; explore opportunities for Responsible Leadership in the Nigerian HE context. Participants will: learn how policies can be informed by principles of responsible leadership; review their own practice in relation to responsible leadership behaviours |
Hilary Duckett | Open Public
100-500 delegates |
Thurs 11 May 2023
3-5.00pm |
Creating a Diverse and Inclusive Working Environment
Purpose: Address key issues for personal growth for women in leadership in higher education
This workshop aims to: Equip participants with knowledge and techniques on how to create a more harmonious workplace by increasing employee’s knowledge and awareness of cultural differences while delivering information about how a person can change their behaviour to be more inclusive.
Objectives: To enable participants to build a culture of inclusion and inclusive leadership; learn how to overcome implicit bias; learn how to increase cultural sensitivity and intelligence amongst different cultures
Magda Read | Open Public
100-500 delegates |
Thurs 18 May 2023
3-5.00pm |
Personal Growth & Leadership Development
Aim: Provide an overview of some of the key drivers of leadership development.
Programme objectives: To enable participants appreciate and understand important motivators for leadership endeavour- Values and Purpose and how these can influence your workplace.
Sybille Schiffmann | Open Public
100-500 delegates |
Wed 24 May
2-3.30pm |
EDI Policies and Practices linked to SDGs
Aim: To explore the role of Higher Education in challenging inequities: culture, policies and practices.
Objectives: To critically examine the contemporary role and implications of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in HE in connection with SDGs 5, 10 and 16.
Hanya Pielichaty | Open Public
100 – 500 delegates |
Thurs 8 June 2023
3-5.00pm |
Developing an Entrepreneurial Mindset and Leadership Skills
Aim: To approach your leadership growth and development in an enterprising way
By the end of this session: you will have started to apply entrepreneurial thinking and practices to your own leadership work and development, with a view to planning for positive change |
Sybille Schiffmann | Open Public
100-500 delegates |
Thurs 15 June 2023
3-5.00pm |
Self-Leadership Practices
Aim: To develop action research orientation to your leadership practice.
By the end of this session: you will have identified key learning goals to support your development as a leader. You will also be able to utilise new feedback skills and approaches
Sybille Schiffmann | Train the Trainer
Selected delegates |
Thurs 22 June 2023
3-5.00pm |
Making Decisions/ Taking Risks
Aim: To equip participants with systematic framework to make smarter decisions & take risk.
Programme objective: Enable participants to learn tools and techniques that they can pass on to their institution.
Participants will: Distinguish between different decision-making models; Develop competencies to make more informed decisions and lead change; Learn different tools and techniques to make better decisions.
Magda Read | Train the Trainer
Selected delegates |
Thurs 29 June 2023
3-5.00pm |
Communicating – Influencing and Persuading
Aim: To equip participants with tools and techniques that they can use to effectively communicate, influence and persuade.
Programme objective: Enable participants to learn tools and techniques that they can pass on to their institution. Participants will: develop a set of pragmatic communication techniques; learn how to flex their individual communication style to influence people with different arenas; explore the purpose and benefits of persuasion and learn how to use a range of approaches to persuasion. |
Magda Read | Train the Trainer
Selected delegates |
Thurs 6 July 2023
3-5.00pm |
Managing Others – Coaching and Mentoring
Aim: To provide an overview of the coaching and mentoring field and to experience a coaching approach in your conversations.
By the end of this session: you will have a better understanding of the differences between coaching and mentoring. You will have gained some practical skills to start coaching conversations within both coaching and mentoring contexts. |
Sybille Schiffmann | Train the Trainer
Selected delegates |
Thurs 13 July 2023
3-5.00pm |
Managing Change
Aim: To understand key drivers and principles informing change agendas and to engage and support colleagues through changes in your workplace.
By the end of this session: you will have a better understanding of change dynamics, principles and approaches. You will also start to explore the change dynamics affecting stakeholders with a view to better engagement for change. |
Sybille Schiffmann | Train the Trainer
Selected delegates |
Thurs 20 July 2023
3-5.00pm |
Teams and Team Leadership
Aim: To provide an overview of key team development models
By the end of this session: you will have applied practical tools to support the development of your team, with a view to better collaboration, understanding joint purpose and improving delivery. |
Sybille Schiffmann | Train the Trainer
Selected delegates |
Date & Time 26 or 27 July (TBC)
Transformational Leadership and Mentoring at the Higher Education | Aim: To explore the process whereby leaders engage with and influence others – by paying attention to their needs, raising their motivation, and providing an ethical framework for decisions.
Prof Eunice Seekoe,
Dept of Higher Education and Training, South Africa |
Open Public
100-500 delegates
Consultants, Facilitators and Trainers
![]() |
Sybille Schiffmann
Director of Deostara Limited, Leadership Consultancy Just over four years ago I became the founder and Director of Deostara Limited, a leadership consultancy that provides support for leaders and leadership teams to flourish, in line with their values and purpose. I provide 121 and team coaching, plus facilitation to support strategic and operational business planning, leadership, team development and change for example. Over the last four years, I have designed and facilitated customised leadership development programmes for a wide range of clients. These have included: health and social care organisations, a leading SW back-office and ITserviceS company, and also within higher education, local government, arts organisations and charities, plus environmental and social sector organisations. During this time, I have been the independent Chair of the Wise Goose School of Coaching since 2020, and I co-facilitate on its foundation and advanced coach training programmes with its founder. See www.wisegoose.co.uk |
![]() Dr Hilary Duckett |
Dr Hilary Duckett
Associate Professor in Leadership – Lincoln International Business School, University of Lincoln, UK. I am an internationally experienced academic with a strong profile in portfolio development, innovation and educational management. I have senior strategic and operational leadership skills including the management of projects and inter-disciplinary teams. I’m involved in several funded research projects including a Management Knowledge Transfer Partnership and two international women’s equality project. I have university-wide roles in teaching and learning quality assurance and with research interests in leadership, entrepreneurship, and pedagogy. I’m Director of the Lincoln International Business School DBA and experienced in digital delivery and content development. I’m creative and motivated with a wide range of project management experience. Am co-lead of this project Women Underrepresentation in Nigerian Higher Education Leadership: British Council – Gender Equality Partnership programme.
![]() Dr Hanya Pielichaty |
Dr Hanya Pielichaty
Associate Professor, Director of Student Inclusion at Eleanor Glanville Institute, University of Lincoln. Dr Hanya Pielichaty is an Associate Professor at the University of Lincoln and is the Director of Student Inclusion for the Eleanor Glanville Institute. Hanya’s research expertise broadly relate to sport, equity, and education and more specifically to gender (in)justice across contexts. Institutionally, Hanya leads the MSc (Hons) International Sports Business Management programme and teaches across the BA (Hons) Sports Business Management degree. Externally, Hanya is the Founder and Director of the Critical Pedagogies in Sport international network and is a Director and Independent Trustee for the Active Partnerships National Board.
![]() Prof. Eunice Seekoe |
Prof. Eunice Seekoe
Deputy Chair of National Entrepreneurial Development in Higher Education (EDHE) CoP and EDHE Researcher Prof Eunice was former DVC: Teaching, Learning and Community Engagement (Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University, South Africa and Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Fort Hare, South Africa. She was the Director of the Albertina Sisulu Executive Leadership Programme in Health (ASELPH), a partnership amongst the Universities of Fort Hare (Faculty of Health Sciences), Pretoria (School of Public Health) and Harvard (School of Public Health). Prof. Eunice hold a PhD, MBA, M Soc Sc in Nursing Education. Her academic career started at the University of the Free State where she pioneered the development and implementation of a Problem Based Learning and Community Based Curriculum within the School of Nursing.
![]() Magda Read |
Magda Read
Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour and Management, Lincoln International Business School, University of Lincoln. Magda is an experienced academic with a strong track record in implementing practice-based learning. She specialises in Organizational Behaviour/Development, Decision-making, Leadership, Community organisations, Equality issues and Entrepreneurship. Magda have held various strategic and operational roles with Government Departments (both UK and abroad), local authorities, NGOs and private companies, some of which are part of Fortune 500, as well as consultancy businesses and business development. Currently, she teaches on postgraduate and undergraduate programmes at Lincoln International Business School and leads on some postgraduate modules. Magda is a member of Lincoln UNESCO Chair and leads on two international projects in gender and entrepreneurship.
![]() Dr Paul Igwe |
Dr Paul Igwe
Project Lead – Women Underrepresentation in Nigerian Higher Education Leadership: British Council – Gender Equality Partnership programme Currently, I am the Programme Leader BA (Hons) Business with Entrepreneurship and the Regional Academic Lead – West and East Africa at Lincoln International Business School (LIBS), University of Lincoln, UK. Also, LIBS College Lead – Decolonising Curriculum and Research. I am a visiting Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Coal City University, Enugu, Nigeria. I am a founding member of UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Development and Foresight at University of Lincoln. I have led several projects including Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Higher Education (IE4HE) project, part of British Council – Innovation for African Universities programme. I have published over 70 articles in internationally top ranked Journals such as Studies in Higher Education, International Journal of Entrepreneurship & Innovation, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour Research, Politics & Policy, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, etc. Also, I have co-edited Four (4) Textbooks and contributed over 15 Book Chapters on diversity of concepts, theories and contexts.
Stakeholders Workshops and Conference
Context | Stakeholders Workshops | |||
Wed 20 April 2023
3.00 – 4.30pm Online |
SDGs Policies and Higher Education | “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 5, 6 and Implications to achievement of SDG4” By Prof Nnamdi O. Madichie [45 minutes workshop]
“Gender Equity in Nigerian HE Leadership: Conceptualising the Learning Processing of Women” By Dr Bridget Irene [45 minutes workshop]
Nnamdi Madichie is Professor of Marketing & Entrepreneurship at the University of Kigali, Rwanda. He is also a Fellow of both the Chartered Institute of Marketing (FCIM) and the Chartered Management Institute (FCMI). Professor Madichie is also a Senior Fellow of AdavanceHE.
Dr Bridget Irene (Assistant Professor in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship at the International Center for Transformational Entrepreneurship, Coventry University)
Panel / Dialogue | Open Public |
August 2023 TBC | International dimension of Gender Equality | “What does Gender and Race Equality intersectionality mean for international academics?”
By Dr Omolabake Fakunle (Chancellor’s Fellow, Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and Co-Convenor of the Race and Inclusivity in Global Education Network (RIGEN), University of Edinburgh, Scotland) |
Panel / Dialogue | Open Public |
August 2023 TBC | UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) |
By Dr Mahmoud Mohiedin (Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo University, University of Warwick) |
Panel / Dialogue | Open Public |
International Conference on Leadership & Gender – In conjunction with CVCNU @ 60 years | ||||
2 days’ International Conference 13 – 14 September 2023 | Themes: Gender and Leadership Issues, Equity, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion contexts
Abstract submission [01 May – 16 June 2023] Accepted submission notification [June 26-30, 2023] Full paper submission [28 July 2023] Writing workshop to convert 10 – 15 best conference papers to Edited Book and Journal special issue publication [October 2023] Conference 13-14 September 2023, Venue [To be confirmed soon] 250 – 400 words Abstract Submission to: rebeccaemeordi@gmail.com